
detta är så hemskt sorligt, austin skrev såhär på sin myspace blogg. austin brown för dom som inte vet är rebbies son, han sjunger också.

I wanted to write this blog to basically thank all of you for your many messages of condolences to me and my family. Im sorry I havent been able to write any of you back but  you must understand to even talk about what just happen still breaks my heart. My Uncle doo doo was more than a uncle to me he was my hero, my mentor, my friend, my inspiration. Everything I know and do was and has been guided by him whenever I was sad and didnt wanna go on he would tell me to develope rhinoceros skin because the best is yet to come. He never wanted me or any of my cousins to be anything less than perfect because he knew since he set the path with his genius we were gonna be judged in a hard way but his attitude and message was WORK no matter what do your best. Words cant even describe the type of loving memories he has giving me from letting me fly across the world during school to go on the history tour because I called crying saying how much I missed him, him teaching me how to drive at age 9 at neverland and me running all over his plants and grass and him laughing screaming, "doo doo stop eating dirt" or Just driving up to Neverland to have dinner followed by a water balloon fight he gave me the most magically childhood. Just 3 weeks ago we were talking and I said to him, "Thankyou doo doo Ive never told you this but you have given me the best memories of my life" His Response was with excitement, "REALLY oh bless your heart applehead." Totally surprised thats the type of person he was he never did things because he was trying to change your life he truly just wanted to make anyone and everyone who was close to him happy. I wanna believe this is all a bad dream and I wake up and call him and we talk about whatever random thing we always did but this is the horrible reality of life. He will always be with me in my heart I love him with all my soul and I CANT WAIT to see him again. My main obligation now is to give his children my little cousins the love, care, and joy he gave me for the rest of their life.


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