Who I am dedicating my 1000 blogpost to..

five months.. life hasn't been easy knowing you're not going to be around it for the next decades. you were the man i never thought i'd live to see pass. just like smokey robinson said. ''I never thought I would be here on today. This is my little brother over there. And you just don’t think you’re going to see or you’ll live to see him gone.'' those were the exact same words that i was thinking. it was like as if smokey was reading my mind. cause i didn't think i'd live to see you gone. i took your name for granted. i thought you were immortal, even though i knew a human couldn't be, i thought you were. i remember when your hair lit on fire. a guy said that he thought your hair would stop burning after you span and ran down the stairs, he said it looked like as if it was going to stop burning because he thought you had some kind of magic. i don't know if i believe in magic. the only thing convincing me about true magic is seing you dance in your old videos. there was one particular video i saw, you were at neverland dancing in your secret dance room. im going to be honest. i thought you were an alien. i thought you were from outer space. i didn't know, or i didn't want to know how a human could do such things the way you did them. how can someone dance like that? how can someone move like that? ''you made the world dance, you made the music come to life'' that is so true. you did. i can't imagine the press though, the press from other people, people were depending on you so much.. & then, the stress took its toll. you have inspired me to sing, and to dance. you made me realize that MUSIC is what i want to do. FILM is what i want to do. you made me a better person. you did. i am so lucky, im so extremly lucky to have lived in your lifetime. i'm so lucky you lived in mine. justice will be done, i promise you. whatever happens, justice will be done. if it wont, i'm going to make it happen. i love you, now, forever & always.

Smokey Robinson Addresses Michael Jackson Memorial sound bite


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